
  • The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Cost of Living in Retirement

    The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Cost of Living in Retirement

    Understanding your retirement income needs When it comes to retirement, it’s crucial to have a clear picture of what you want your lifestyle to look like. Start by asking yourself: What are your retirement lifestyle expectations? Think about your current lifestyle and expenses—these are good indicators of what…

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  • What’s the Retirement age in Australia?

    What’s the Retirement age in Australia?

    Retirement is one of the biggest milestones in life. And while it is exciting, transitioning from a working life into a world of new adventures can also be a little, well, unnerving. So whether it’s a financial decision or a personal one, the discussion around official retirement age…

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  • What is ageism?

    What is ageism?

    A Form of Age Discrimination Ageism is stereotyping or discriminating against people based on their age. It can occur at work and your personal life, affecting both older and younger people. It can be directed at anyone, regardless of age and often has negative impacts on your physical…

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  • Choosing a retirement location

    Choosing a retirement location

    Retirement is a time to embrace new opportunities and enjoy a fulfilling lifestyle. Choosing the right location is crucial to ensure your golden years are spent in comfort and happiness. But choosing where to retire can be tricky. We’ve put together a comprehensive guide to help you decide…

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  • “So glad we joined the village people”

    “So glad we joined the village people”

    “My wife and I moved into a retirement village in August last year after a long gestation period during which we contemplated the pros and cons of such an important move. Once we made the move, we questioned why we vacillated for so long. I’m convinced that the…

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  • 10 Money Saving Tips for Retirees

    10 Money Saving Tips for Retirees

    Explore essential money-saving tips for retirees with St Ives Retirement Living. Maximise your savings, manage expenses, and enjoy a financially secure retirement.

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